Stopped by for look at overnight roost from the Duck Bridge and then South Canal Street. Weather conditions: heavy overcast skies with fog and mist, wind W at 5MPH, 38F, and timing was almost 90 minutes after sunset. After dam it is always a big challenge to make any type of size estimate of the overall roost. Overall, the total numbers were much larger, as size of roost continues to expand, as the number of migrants continues to swell the ranks.

This view is from the south end of the Duck Bridge looking WNW at the inside of the line of trees closest to the New Balance Building.  These is just enough ambient light from the internal lights as well as external spotlights.  The Crows adorn the full crown of the trees which are mostly River Birch and Silver Maples.  The red lights atop the Verizon Cell Tower are just visible in the distance above the tree tops.

Just a few minutes later, headed out along the west side of the bridge, closer to the center, and looked back in a slightly WSW direction.  This view shows the Crows all over the trees overhanging he Merrimack River.  The far upper corner of the New Balance building is in the background, with upper floor lights shining brightly, as well as distant city lights, and the Casey Bridge in the background.  The Crows continue to move around in small numbers, but for the most part are very quiet as they settle into the overnight roost.

On most nights, it helps to round out the picture by taking a look at the number of Crows in and around the South Canal Street area.  On this night, many Crows were seen loitering on the ground of the truck depot parking lot.  In this lot, there are two bright spotlights that remain on through the night.  Most of the time, the Crows are seen on the ground and in trees at near the back of the lot.  Many times they will leave behind pellets that remain intact through the following morning.  We are collecting pellets again this year.  As soon as we have at least 125 pellets, we will be able to process them to gain more information in regard to food source activity.