What a terrific surprise to find this email message in my inbox on Thursday night!
Hi Craig, I wanted to share some amazing news. As part of our crow unit, some students wrote a letter to the mayor petitioning for a crow holiday! Well, their request went all the way to City Hall. On Tuesday night, students attended the City Hall meeting, read their essays and now, February 21st (the first day of academy) is now an unofficial holiday in the City of Lawrence!! They worked so hard and spoke convincingly. Thank you for inspiring their love of learning.
Lisa Apovian
Below is a photo showing a group of third graders from the Parthum School while meeting with the members of the Lawrence City Council on June 7, 2022 within the City Council Chambers at City Hall. The City Council members had prepared and all signed the official City Council Resolution announcing the new unofficial ANNUAL CROW HOLIDAY!

Below is a photo of the official resolution from the Lawrence City Council to make February 21st of each year an UNOFFICIAL CROW HOLIDAY in the City of Lawrence! The resolution notes that the members of the City Council have been fascinated by these beautiful creatures, that the Crow Holiday will be celebrated on Feb. 21st each year going forward, and finally that the Lawrence City Council provides full support!

On Feb. 2, Lisa had made the original connection via email:
Good Morning! I was one of your attendees for the Merrimack River Watershed Council Crow Show! It was fabulous, and I learned so much! I teach grade 3 in Lawrence (Parthum Elementary) and over February Vacation (Feb. 21- 25), I and 2 colleagues will be teaching a unit on crows – more specifically, how can an understanding of crows help us connect to the people of Lawrence. We have designed our unit to include the study of crows as well as the history of Lawrence and the Merrimack River. We are so excited to teach this unit and would love to have someone from your organization come to our school (or via zoom) to talk to the students about crows – something similar to the zoom you did. Would this be possible? We are pretty flexible to the date and time – school hours that week will be 8 to 3. Thank you so much! Lisa Apovian, Parthum Elementary School
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