Recap: Monday’s Crow Walk and Talk
Conditions: clear skies, wind from the NW at 9MPH, temp at 23F and wind chill at 13F: sunset time [...]
Conditions: clear skies, wind from the NW at 9MPH, temp at 23F and wind chill at 13F: sunset time [...]
This video was taken 30 minutes after sunset time as the beautiful dusk colors were diminishing before the [...]
On Thursday night, received a nice incoming email from Sylvia in Connecticut. In the email she said she is "a [...]
Last night it was just Bob and I – like date night out - watching the crows. We looked [...]
Crow Patrol: suggested local restaurants Lawrence Japu Peruvian and fusion 4 Union St. Open Tues to Sunday 12 pm [...]
This afternoon Bob and I got to Lawrence about 4 PM – a bit later than usual. It was [...]
Twenty wonderful crow watchers joined us (Bob, Craig and I) for a spectacular late afternoon Crow Patrol. We met [...]
Essex Art Center celebrates winter crow roost Dec 26, 2018 LAWRENCE —The Essex Art Center will present exhibitions and [...]
While driving southbound over Duck Bridge a few minutes after 4PM, under mostly clear skies, calm wind, temp at [...]
Crow Patrol with Dana Duxbury-Fox, and husband Bob Fox, and Craig Gibson had the wonderful invitation to visit the [...]